Year 1

Simmonds Class

Click on headshots to view Simmonds Class bios

Glennie Class

Click on headshots to view Glennie Class bios

Miss Dury, Mrs Philpot, Mrs Sparks and Mrs Briggs welcome you to the Year 1 webpage.

Parent Workbooks - White Rose Maths

White Rose (our Maths Scheme provider) have produced parent workbooks (workbooks pupils can complete) covering all National Curriculum Year Groups (Years 1- 6). The link to the workbooks can be found on our Mathematics Curriculum webpage should you wish to use these with your child/children.

I would like to take this opportunity to remind all of our parents and pupils that we have lots of really useful and essential maths links on individual year group webpages and on our Mathematics Curriculum webapge to reflect our use of Maths Mastery techniques in our classrooms.

The links provide a wide-variety of fun maths games and activities that can be used at anytime to hone your childrens’ maths skills.

I have chosen these particular websites as, with regular use, these activities will further develop your child’s mathematical  skills to assist them in getting the most out of maths at Meopham Community Academy.

To obtain the greatest benefit from the activities, I would encourage all of our pupils to visit these websites at least once a week for 10-15 minutes – perhaps they could incorporate this time into their home-learning regime.

Miss Dean, Mathematics Subject Leader

Oxford Owls

The ‘Oxford Owl’ website has plenty of eBooks which are completely FREE!

Follow the link and click on the ‘Series’ tab then select ‘Read Write Inc’. To read the books you will need to register which doesn’t take long at all. Once registered and logged in, you can choose from the selection of Read Write Inc books should you have finished reading your child’s current book that they took home.

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Our Vision & Values

Our Vision & Values