Special Educational Needs & Disabilities

The Local Offer

The Government has asked all Local Authorities in the UK to publish, in one place, information about the services and provisions they expect to be available in their area for children and young people from 0 to 25 who have Special Educational Needs and/or a Disability (SEND). This is known as the local offer.

Our Local Offer

Our local offer aims to inform parents and carers about how we welcome, support and make effective provision for children with SEND. We will keep our local offer under review asking parents what is working well and what they feel needs improving.

Our SEND Information Report outlines how the needs of SEN pupils are met, as determined by the school SEND policy (see below), and the range of provision we offer.

As advised by Kent Education authority, the school adopts a graduated response to Special Educational Needs provision. Details can be found in the Meopham Community Academy Provision Map.

If you would like to discuss our Local Offer in detail please contact the school office, below, to arrange an appointment.

Inclusion Team

What do the Inclusion Team do?

Class teachers provide for all the children in their classes, but children with AEN/SEND may need further support for a period of time.

Here at Meopham Community Academy we have an experienced  and highly skilled Inclusion Team, based in the pupil support building, known as Da Vinci. The Inclusion Team offer children support with their needs and use a wide-range of strategies to meet individual pupil’s needs whether from an academic, social or emotional aspect.

Introducing the Inclusion Team

The provision from the Inclusion Team may include:

  • Co-ordinating and running interventions for social, emotional and communication assistance as well as Maths and English intervention groups;
  • 1:1 mentoring both in- or outside of the classroom;
  • Providing advice and an opportunity to have time to talk with an adult;
  • Adding individuals to the Special Educational Needs (SEN) register so that they receive the support they require in school;
  • Referring children’s cases to outside agencies for more specialist involvement.
  • Guidance for pupils and parents.

The  Inclusion Team is made up of four key members of staff. Each have different roles and responsibilities as part of the support team as follows:

  • Mrs C Casey- Assistant Headteacher for Inclusion
  • Miss Barnes-Farnham – Family Liaison Officer
  • Mrs S Hoare – Learning Support Mentor
  • Mrs L Sverha – School Counsellor

Inclusion Team Support

If parents need to speak directly to a member of the Inclusion Team, please contact us via the school office or using our contact form via the link below.

Therapy Dog

We also have a school Therapy Dog! His name is Bruno and he visits school at least 3 times a week.

Our Vision & Values preview image

Our Vision & Values

Our Vision & Values