
The school colours are blue, white and grey.

All children are expected to wear items of school uniform which are smart, functional and will add to the school identity.

Uniform Supplier

Our current supplier for uniform is Monkhouse, please follow the link below:

School Uniform

All children in Years 1-6:

  • School cardigan or sweatshirt with school logo (required – available from Simmonds).
  • White shirt or polo shirt (available from any school uniform provider or supermarket/clothing store).
  • Grey school skirt/ short (reasonable length), grey pinafore dress, grey trousers, grey shorts or culottes (available from any school uniform provider or supermarket/clothing store).
  • Grey or white socks or grey tights (available from any school uniform provider or supermarket/clothing store).
  • In the summer months, blue gingham checked summer dress, skirt, playsuit or culottes may also be worn (available from any school uniform provider or supermarket/clothing store).



All children are expected to wear sensible footwear.  Shoes should be black and should also be flat, to enable children to run and play safely. During the summer, children can wear either black or white sandals, but these must not have open toes.

Please note that ‘trainers’ are not allowed, except for outside games activities and in Nursery. Boots can be worn to and from the school, but children must change into shoes when they arrive at school.

Children will need Wellington boots which remain in school every day. This is to ensure they can access OPAL even on wet or rainy days. These should be brought into school at the start of the year and will remain in school.


The colour of coats is parental choice but should be waterproof and warm for the winter. A waterproof coat must be in school every day to ensure the children can access OPAL activities even on wet days.

Forest School

Children in Nursery & Reception access Forest School. We will confirm which days the children will be attending Forest School. On these days, the children will need to wear tracksuit bottoms and a sweatshirt. They should also have spare socks and underwear in school should they get wet whilst outside.

We ask that all clothing is clearly named as this helps us to return lost items back to their owners. 

PE Kit

Children should wear their PE kit to school on the days they have PE lessons instead of their school uniform. These days will be communicated to you before the start of each term. All children need polo t-shirt (with or without a school logo) in House colour, black shorts (sports style) and trainers (ideally black) for outside PE. Children wear their PE kits to school on their PE days so please ensure they are wearing the correct kit. They will also wear these kits when representing our school so it is important they look smart.

  • Chartwell: BLUE
  • Hever: GREEN
  • Knole: RED
  • Penshurst: YELLOW

In the winter, a black tracksuit may be worn for outside PE lessons.

Jewellery and earrings

Jewellery, except studs and watches, is not part of the school uniform and must not be worn at school.

PE Lessons

The current Code of Practice for Physical Education, Games, Sports and Outdoor Education states that

‘watches, jewellery, rings and earring, belts with metal buckles and other unnecessary encumberances likely to prove dangerous to the wearer or to others should not be worn.’ This follows national advice issued by the British Association of Advisers and Lecturers in Physical Education (BAALPE). In light of this, pupils are expected to remove jewellery, including earrings prior to PE lessons.

We suggest that new ear piercing should be carried out at the beginning of the summer holidays so that children have worn their earrings for the recommended six week period whilst off school.

Unfortunately, if children are unable to remove their earrings, due to insufficient healing time, they will be unable to participate in PE lessons.

We will inform you at the end of each term when your child’s PE days are for the following term.

Medic-Alert & Religious bracelets

Pupils are allowed to wear Medic-Alert bracelets and religious bracelets. Where it is not appropriate to remove these for PE lessons, they can be covered with a sweat band.

School Bags

Children in Years R, 1 and 2 must use a book bag for carrying their belongings to and from school and these can be purchased from Simmonds.

Children in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 must use a school rucksack for carrying their belongings to and from school and these can be purchased from Simmonds.

Children are allowed to attach one key ring to their school bag to help make it more easily identifiable.

General Appearance

It is expected that all children will arrive at school clean, tidy and well-groomed. Make-up and nail varnish must not be worn to school.


To comply with Health and Safety regulations and to reduce the risk of transfer of head lice, any child with hair below collar length must come to school with a band or other suitable means for tying back their hair when taking part in PE, including swimming and any other practical subject.

It is not acceptable for children to come to school with an extreme hairstyle including hair dye. We want the children to be able to express themselves and their cultures however this must be practical for school life. Excessively large hair accessories must not be worn; small bows and hairbands in the school colours of white and blue are acceptable.

Summer Notes:

All children need sun hats or baseball caps during the summer months.

All children need sun cream applied before school during the summer months. Sun cream is not to be brought into school as we are not able to help your child apply their sun cream. Please use a ‘once a day’ sun cream that can be administered before school. Sunglasses only to be worn if they are required for medical reasons.

Winter Notes:

PE is not cancelled due to cold weather.

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