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Meopham Community Academy

Enjoy, Learn, Aspire

Medical Needs, Absence and Illness

Care and Support

Many children, at some time during their school career, have a medical condition, which could affect their participation in certain school activities. This may be a short-term situation or long-term medical condition which, if not properly managed, could limit that access to education. The Governors and staff of our school wish to ensure that children with medical needs receive care and support in our school.


As an inclusive school we believe children should not be denied access to the National Curriculum simply because they are on medication or need medical support during their time at school. In addition, they should not be denied access to other activities run by the school such as clubs, day trips, residential trips, sports days etc.


Here at Meopham Community Academy, we ensure that the focus is on the needs of each individual child and how their medical condition may impact on their school life. Through myself, the Medical Needs Co-ordinator and our Pupil Support team, we aim to ensure that parents/carers and pupils can have confidence in our ability to provide effective support for a child’s medical conditions in school.


Procedure for reporting child's absence / sickness

If your child is absent from school, please telephone and leave a message on the absence extension before 9:30am on the FIRST day of absence. Please state the type of illness your child is suffering from. You can also report an absence using your Parentmail account.


If your child is absent with sickness or diarrhoea, please keep them at home for 48 hours after the last episode of sickness or diarrhoea.

Procedure for illness during the school day

If your child becomes ill during the day or has a significant accident, we will contact the designated primary carer (from the school database) without delay.


Before you arrive, rest-assured that we will take the necessary first-aid steps to ensure your child is comfortable and safe. Our support and office staff are first-aid trained.


To ensure we can contact you immediately should your child be taken ill at school, it is vital that we have current contact information on school records to action this. This might be a mobile telephone and/or home and work telephone numbers. If you are not available to collect your child, you may wish to designate a person/persons who are able, if necessary, to collect your child and take your child home.


If you wish to update any contact information that the school holds, please visit the school office between 8:35am and 4:00pm or use our contact form to email the school.

Individual Healthcare Plans

Meopham Community Academy develop Individual Healthcare Plans with parents/carers, medical professionals and, whenever appropriate, the child. These plans go on to ensure that we give you child the support that they need to manage their medical condition/s.


These plans provide clarity and detail about what needs to be done, when and by whom. We firmly believe that these bespoke documents are vitally important as different children with the same health condition may often require very different support.

These plans are also essential in cases where conditions fluctuate or where there is a high risk that emergency intervention will be needed e.g. food allergies, breathing conditions etc. These plans are readily available to all staff members (ensuring confidentiality at all times).


Educational Visits and Sporting Activities

Meopham Community Academy develop Individual Healthcare Plans with parents/carers, medical professionals and, whenever appropriate, the child. These plans go on to ensure that we give you child the support that they need to manage their medical condition/s.


These plans provide clarity and detail about what needs to be done, when and by whom. We firmly believe that these bespoke documents are vitally important as different children with the same health condition may often require very different support.

These plans are also essential in cases where conditions fluctuate or where there is a high risk that emergency intervention will be needed e.g. food allergies, breathing conditions etc. These plans are readily available to all staff members (ensuring confidentiality at all times).


For more details on our school’s medical needs arrangements, please refer to our Medical Needs Policy.

If you wish to discuss any medical issues that may be affecting your child/children in complete confidence, please make an appointment to see Mrs Barnes-Farnham, via the school office.