Parking in our staff car park, including the 'blue badge' bay is for school staff only. Parents are kindly asked not not enter the staff car park at any time.
SAFETY NOTICE: Please do not cross through the staff car park on foot. During peak times, this can become a serious risk. There are footpaths for both the main school and the nursery which are accessible from Longfield Road.
There is a free car park located off School Close (opposite the school) which is available for public use all-day. Please take care if parking on the roads around the school as there is a considerable increase in foot-traffic during school drop-off and pick-up times. Please be considerate to other road users and local residents by finding a sensible place to leave your car whilst dropping off and picking up. We encourage families to park at Bartellas or St John's church who have kindly given us permission to park during school drop-off and collection times.
If you are struggling to find a parking place, please do not worry. We will never let our children leave school at the end of the day without you. If you are late picking up, your class teacher will take your child to the school office to wait for you.
In order to aid parents when dropping children off in the morning, our school gate is now open for 15 minutes from 8:35am until 8:50am.