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Meopham Community Academy home page

Meopham Community Academy

Enjoy, Learn, Aspire

Parent Council

Working in Partnership with the School

Our school runs a successful, productive and positive Parent Council.

The council provides a two-way process for the Academy management team to consult with parents on Academy issues and to provide parents with a means of asking questions about the Academy.

The Parent Council role is consultative and advisory and whilst steered by parents, the work of the Parent Council is separate from the work of other Academy bodies such as the PTA and the Pupil Council.


Raise an Issue

If you have any general issues you wish to raise at the next meeting, please pass these details to your class representative or email the Parent Council direct on


Get Involved

All parents of children within the Academy are eligible to volunteer to be placed on the Parent Council register and once a year a Chairperson and Secretary are elected from the register of parents to serve. Meetings are held at least six times per year, with a parent representing each class within the Academy and a member of the school’s leadership team representing the school and governors.

To ensure as many parents as possible can take part in the working of the Parent Council, we run a rotational system when inviting attendees.

The time that parents give for this process is highly-valued by the Academy.