On 1st January 2023, the four schools of The Galaxy Trust and five schools of The Pathway Academy Trust are due to merge to form a new Trust "The Golden Thread Alliance" (Company Number 10250958).
We have therefore been reviewing all of our Admissions Policies to ensure a consistent and equitable approach in relation to pupil admissions to all schools in The Golden Thread Alliance. We are therefore going out to formal public consultation on our proposed Admissions Policy for pupils entering our schools in the 2024-2025 academic year.
When is the consultation?
The consultation opens on Monday 5 December 2022 and closes on Wednesday 18 January 2023.
What is this consultation about?
We want your views about the changes to our admission arrangements for all schools in The Golden Thread Alliance for the academic year starting in September 2024 and finishing in July 2025. The full draft policy is available to view on our website (here) and paper copies are available from the School Office.
The admission arrangements outline:
Who is involved in the consultation?
The Board of Trustees of The Golden Thread Alliance is the Admissions Authority for all schools in the Trust and must consult the following groups:
How can I respond to the consultation? Please do submit your comments, either:
Thank you.